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The Seysnous Civil War

Seysnousille was a fairly stable nation inside of central Tolbasi within Katzen, until recently when the balance of power within the nation was disrupted when due to protests, the nations Prime Minister, Ivanka Opel, resigned from her position, sparking an early election to decide who the next leader would be. After a hotly contested election season, Fuji Nakamura, a far left politician won in a landslide. After his inauguration, a multitude of reforms were made economically and in foreign policy. One of the most prominent being the closing of the nation's international borders. The opposition to Nakamura formed a league of resistance movements which swept over the nation and launched a war against Nakamura to return the nation to its former regime. The Commonwealth (Roniana, Fluver, G.O.G and Lannistter) launched a blockade of the socialist regime's ocean access, blocking travel and shipping lanes. Three distinct regimes were established within the remnants of the nation, "The Free movement", lead by Clark Johnson, aligns itself with The Commonwealth and Etsenes, "The Greater Volio Movement", lead by Xeno Stark, plans on establishing a power and spreading it to other nations, and finally "The New Government", a Syndicate Movement led by Nakamura. Following the Communist uprising within Seysnousille, another nation, North of Seysnousille, known as Unikornia, suffered a Military coup, aligning it with Nakamura as well. The new leader of the nation, Lexa Monroe, demanded the withdraw of the naval blockade on the Socialist Seysnous regime in return for the withdrawing of the missiles on the Turtle Islands. The Commonwealth stood by its Blockade and the missiles remained and afterward, they declare war upon Unikornia. They then proceeded to blow up the missile bases on the islands, crippling the island's infrastructure and killing many people. Meanwhile in Seysnousille, The Volians have made magnificent gains in recent weeks capturing much of the nation, and they are continuing this campaign and are currently closing in on the final socialist city within the nation. The modern wars of Katzen still rage on and nations are still fighting one another for a leg up. Some things never change.

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